The Undying Monster
Scotland Yard sends a man and woman out to the coast to investigate a werewolf.
The Undying Monster begins as a very stylish gothic horror, with distinct echoes of The Hound of the Baskervilles. There’s tons of atmosphere and Heather Angel does a great job as the apparent lead.
Then, all of a sudden, the film shifts to a corny comedy when it introduces its poor man’s Holmes and Watson, played by James Ellison and Heather Thatcher. Ellison’s distinctly American accent is bad enough, but Thatcher is absolutely grating as his partner.
From here the film shifts once again, as Ellison assumes the lead and attempts to unravel the mystery. Thankfully, Thatcher is regulated to the background.
What’s most frustrating is the sheer amount of potential here. The opening minutes show a sure hand at gothic horror, and the mystery elements are entertaining enough for the 60-minute running time. Casting a stronger (and English) leading man and eliminating the god-awful attempts at comedy would have gone a long way toward making The Undying Monster something special.