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by Frank Showalter

Cape Fear

C-: 2.5 stars (out of 5)
1962 | United States | 106 min | More...
Reviewed Mar 30, 2012

Fresh out of prison, bad-to-the-bone Mitchum begins stalking Peck’s family, seeking payback for Peck’s part in putting him away.

Peck and Mitchum are good, well, Peck’s good, Mitchum’s amazing in a fearless performance that’s every bit as creepy and menacing as it was in 1962. It’s almost enough to make you overlook how all the female characters are helpless, blubbering victims, and how the end set piece makes no sense.1 Almost.


  1. If the daughter is the target, and she’s advertising her presence up on shore playing records, why are Peck and the deputy both watching the boat? ↩︎