Vampire Hunters
A group of kung-fu warriors track a vampire.
Despite the promising setup, The Era of Vampire (also known as Tsui Hark’s Vampire Hunters) isn’t so much a let-down as it is a complete travesty.
The acting is terrible. Absolutely none of the cast have any presence what so ever, and the comedy and romance elements are so stiff it’s almost painful.
As bad as the acting is, the vampire effects are even worse. The actual vampire in question is nothing more than a mannequin with really bad makeup which, aside from looking ridiculous, is really frustrating because it precludes any actual kung-fu between the warriors and the vampire.
The only thing that saves The Era of Vampire from being a total waste are the kung-fu scenes which, while nothing spectacular, are at times refreshingly vicious. Unfortunately this isn’t enough to support a movie, let alone salvage this disaster.