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My life at the movies.


B: 4 stars (out of 5)
2012 | United KingdomFrance | 88 min | More...

After Kill List’s neo-noir horror, director Ben Wheatley pivots to black comedy with this story of Tina and Chris, a dysfunctional couple touring the English countryside in a camper. After an accident that sees them backing into a passing cyclist, the bodies pile up, testing the relationship.

Wheatley brings the stylized realism of his prior films, which suits the dry humor well. Consider the scene when Chris meets Tina’s mother before the trip. He tries for small-talk, saying “I understand you collect snow globes,” to which she sneers and replies, “I don’t like you.”

Much of the humor plays in this vein, but some bits pack more gore. The practical effects prove gruesome and effective, in line with Wheatley’s style. That said, my biggest laugh came from a bit of off-screen violence involving a Jack Russell terrier and some knitting needles. The film’s ability to play this as comedy testifies to Wheatley’s tonal mastery.

It’s not for everyone. The dark humor will prove off-putting for some, and even black comedy fans may struggle with the British sensibilities. But for fans of British humor with strong stomachs, Sightseers will delight.

Viewing History

  • Watched on
    Sat, Aug 30, 2014 via Netflix
  • Watched on
    Sun, Feb 13, 2022 via iTunes