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by Frank Showalter

Big Brown Eyes

D: 2 stars (out of 5)
1936 | United States | 77 min | More...
Reviewed Sep 4, 2007

A detective (Cary Grant) teams with his manicurist-turned-reporter girlfriend to solve a case involving stolen jewels.

Big Brown Eyes is notable for two things. One, someone shoots a baby. You don’t often see that in movies, let alone in 1936. Two, Cary Grant is totally forgettable. I’m still trying to put my finger on exactly how a movie manages to bury Cary Grant, but Big Brown Eyes pulls it off. Maybe it’s the really bad ventriloquist tricks he pulls, maybe it’s his lack of screen time, or maybe Grant hadn’t quite figured out how to carry a movie yet. Whatever the cause, the movie suffers for it.