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Frank's Movie Log

My life at the movies.

A Holy Terror

1931 | United States | 53 min | More...
A still from A Holy Terror (1931)
F: 1 star (out of 5)
on Fri, Nov 27, 2020

George O’Brien plays a New York socialite who flies his prop-plane to Wyoming to investigate his father’s murder. After crash-landing in Sally Eilers’s shower, O’Brien runs up against Humphrey Bogart, who plays the foreman of the man O’Brien flew in to see.

Forgettable nonsense, only notable as Bogie’s first turn as a heavy—a role he’d struggle to escape for much of his early career.

The print on YouTube was a hybrid workprint, including title cards for fade-ins and outs, and missing several minutes. But I can’t imagine the missing footage transforming this turkey into anything more than a longer turkey.

Viewing History

  • Watched on
    Fri, Nov 27, 2020 via YouTube