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by Frank Showalter

Burn After Reading

A-: 4.5 stars (out of 5)
2008 | United StatesUnited KingdomFrance | 96 min | More...
Reviewed Sep 24, 2008

A philandering Treasury Agent (George Clooney) inadvertently winds up entangled in two fitness center employees’ (Frances McDormand and Brad Pitt) scheme to blackmail a former CIA analyst (John Malkovich).

Burn After Reading is a wickedly funny farcical black comedy from the Coen Brothers that’s essentially a satire of the overriding sense of entitlement that pervades American culture. All the characters are selfish to a fault, and there isn’t a single one you really like.

Yet, the film works. The Coens ingeniously take each character out of his or her element and place them in situations designed to make him or her look as ridiculous as possible. It’s a risky strategy, but the unpredictable nature of the plot just adds to the fun. It’s zany, hectic, and, best of all, never boring.

The cast is astounding. George Clooney is sublime as a philandering Treasury agent with an appreciation of flooring, Brad Pitt nearly steals the film as an empty-headed personal trainer, John Malkovich is a ticking time bomb of rage as an alcoholic ex-CIA analyst, and J.K. Simmons gets all the best lines as a CIA superior. The Coens wrote the parts with the performers in mind so it’s no wonder they all seem so well cast.

This isn’t a movie for everyone. Those expecting another O Brother, Where Art Thou may be put off by some of the rather graphic moments, and the film’s off-kilter sense of humor.